Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Czech Republic Team Leaving Today!

In about three hours, six brave, excited, courageous, anxious, and wonderful young men and women (and one stressed out leader ready to "Let go and let God" once they drive away) will be leaving from Atascadero Bible Church to LA for the first part of their trip to the Czech Republic. This team will be spending the night in Los Angeles to catch an early flight Wednesday morning, fly to Georgia for a short layover, and take the day-long flight to Prague, where they will meet Brain Dagen and spend nearly a day and a half resting up and enjoying the city of Prague. Saturday morning the team will head down to Třebíč (I dare you to pronounce it correctly) in the south Moravian region, and exchange all the meet and greets with 82 Czechs and a few other Americans helping with the English Camp. Each of the Czechs are ready to learn conversational English from the Americans, and each of the Americans are ready to see if they have what it takes not only to teach (and having fun while teaching), but to help minister and bring Jesus Christ's love to each of these people, most who have rejected a belief in God or believe He is irrelevant.

Oh ok, yes, we are that team. Way to ruin the surprise ending! But we (Asa, Chris, Kayla, Kevin, Lizi, Mandee, and Michael) thank you for your thoughts and prayers for our team these past few months, for they have gotten us this far, and we know by God's power your prayers will get us further on this journey! Thanks for reading our updates, and I hope that they are not only informative but also enjoyable and even entertaining as you read more about our adventures and what God is doing through this trip. We will be leaving at noon today from ABC, so please begin praying for the drive down and to be rested up to get to LAX tomorrow at 6 am.

I would like to extend a huge "Thank you" to ABC and our families and friends who have supported us through lots and lots of prayer, donations, spiritual preparation, and behind-the-scenes logistics that has made this trip possible. Also a huge THANK YOU to "team members" who have helped us with the prep and logistics leading up to today, including John and Sallie Atherstone, Julie Dempster, Ron Smith, Jan Eaton, Diana Bermingham, Jeff Hamilton, Chris Key, Keegan Kania, and Gene Foose. And for Brian and Jill Dagen and their correspondences in making sure the team is adequately prepared this week.

Well see you in two weeks! God bless!

Michael, for the Czech Republic team

Quotes from the week:
Michael, on Sunday afternoon: So much prayer! We're just drowning in prayer this week!
Kevin: You can't walk around the corner without being prayed for these days!

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